
" I've Got the Joy In My Heart "

I've got the joy, joy, joy, joy down in my heart Down in my heart! Down in my heart! I've got the joy, joy, joy, joy down in my heart Down in my heart to stay And I'm so happy, So very happy I've got the love of Jesus in my heart Down in my heart, And I'm so happy So very happy I've got the love of Jesus in my heart. I've got the love of Jesus, love of Jesus Down in my heart! Down in my heart! Down in my heart! I've got the love of Jesus, love of Jesus Down in my heart! Down in my heart to stay. And I'm so happy, So very happy I've got the love of Jesus in my heart Down in my heart, And I'm so happy So very happy I've got the love of Jesus in my heart. I've got the peace that passes understanding Way down in the depths of my heart! Down in the depths of my heart! Down in the depths of my heart! I've got the peace that passes understanding Way down in the depths of my heart! Down in my heart to stay An...

" Seharusnya Kudatang - Bobby "

Seringkali kudatang Tuhan Hanya karna sejuta keluhan Sering kali kulupa Tuhan Seharusnya kudatang Reff: Dengan segenap rindu dari lubuk hatiku Dengan hasrat yang tulus karna kucinta padaMu Tak hanya memikirkan berkat yang Kau berikan Sungguh hanya karna ku MengasihiMu Yesus Seringkali aku berdoa Hanya karna tak ingin dicela Namun kini kusadar Tuhan Seharusnya kudatang

" Lifted Up Oxygen TW Youth "

I Was Made To Praise You I Was Made To Worship You Oh God Let This Song Of Freedom Open Up Our Eyes To See Your Light And The Shouts Of Praise Arise Declaring You As King Hear The Shouts Of Praise Arise Reff : Jesus, You Be Lifted In Our Praise Be Lifted Up In Our Life Be Lifted Up Always Jesus, You Be Lifted In Our Praise Be Lifted Up Always Be Lifted Up Always Video : " Lifted Up Oxygen TW Youth "

" Amazing - Sidney Mohede "

You're my everything The reason I sing You've taken me under Your wings And closer to You I draw near My life's in Your hands My heart beats in Your perfect love My lips shall praise You, adore You And lifting my love I will sing Reff :a You're amazing Never changing Always with me Enthroned within my soul Overflowing My heart offers The deepest of honor and worship You're amazing Video : Sidney Mohede - Amazing

" Jesus Be The Center "

Jesus at the center of it all Jesus at the center of it all From beginning to the end it will always be, It's always been You Jesus Jesus be the center of my life Jesus be the center of my life From beginning to the end it will always be, It's always been You Jesus, Jesus Reff : Nothing else matters, nothing in this world will do Jesus You're the center and everything revolves around You, Jesus You at the center of it all Bridge : From my heart to the heavens, Jesus be the center It's all about You, Yes it's all about You Jesus be the center of my church Jesus be the center of my church And every knee will bow And every tongue shall confess You Jesus Jesus

" KasihMu Terbesar "

Jika seluruh Pohon menjadi pena Jika samudrapun menjadi tinta Jika cakrawala jadi kertasnya Takkan cukup untuk memuat kasihMu Tuhan Jika seluruh alam turut bersaksi Jika malaikat pun turut bernyanyi Jika sribu lidah turut memuji Tak kan habis menceritakan kasihMu Tuhan Reff : Terlalu panjang untuk diseberangi Terlalu lebar tuk dikelilingi Terlalu dalam tuk diselami kasihMu terbesar Terlalu dalam tuk diselami kasihMu terbesar

" Luar Biasa Allah Bapaku "

Dari yang tak ada Kau menjadikannya ada Oleh kuasa Firman Mu yang hidup Engkau mengalahkan Segala pengetahuan Oleh tingginya hikmatMu Dan kekuasaanMu Reff : Luar biasa Allah Bapaku Luar biasa Yesus Tuhanku Luar biasa Allah Roh Kudus Yang tak kan pernah berubah Luar biasa kebaikanMu Luar biasa keajaibanMu Gagah perkasa perbuatanMu Dari kekal sampai kekal

" I Love You Sweet Jesus "

I love You sweet Jesus I love You my Lord I desire more of You Closer in my life I serrender my heart to You [verse 2] I love You sweet Jesus I love you my Lord I'll give up all i have I exchange for all of You I belong to no one else but You Reff : I close my eyes Lift my hands to worship You You're the love of my life No one else matters In this world but You No one can take Your place in my heart No one like You

" Be Glorified and Magnified "

Glory to God in the highest For Your great and matchless name I worship You and honor You You’re lifted up in this place Jesus The Son there’s no other Heavenly King, Lamb of God For You alone The Holy One You’re lifted up in this place O.. God I (we) worship You O.. God I worship You Be glorified and magnified O.. God I worship You

"Takkan Ku Berdiam"

Pujian di hatiku Hanya untukMu Nyanyian di jiwaku Hanya milikMu Dan hatiku bersuka S'bab kehadiranMu Yesus sukacitaku Reff: Takkan ku berdiam Tuk memujiMu Takkan ku berhenti Tuk menari bagiMu Dalam kesesakkanku Ku bernyanyi bagiMu S'bab Engkau sukacitaku Bridge: Yesus Kau kekuatanku Yesus Kau hiburkanku Yesus Kau sukacitaku Selamanya, Selamanya