" Be With You - Sendy Stepvina "

Verse 1:

Savior of my soul
I confide in You
Through all my darkest moments
In You I find my peace
My comfort when I'm weak
I trust in You, through storm and raging sea

Verse 2:

Faithful, You're my God
You're the glory and the lifter of my head
Your light it fills my days
It leads me in Your ways
Forever I surrender all to You


And I live to worship You
My Jesus You're the only one for me
Nothing will ever take Your place
My precious savior
Who can stand between my Lord and me

Lord I live to honor You
And I long to bring my life an offering
Take me higher
Draw me deeper
I give all to be with You


Lukius1811 mengatakan…
nice share cc.. keep blogging :) JBU
Anonim mengatakan…
thankyou for sharing this song's:)
Anonim mengatakan…
Great.. Ths wht I srch'd..
Anonim mengatakan…
great song.. thx

btw itu previous harusnya precious

Haisin Rusli mengatakan…
Thanks yah sharingnya,GBU
Unknown mengatakan…
great song, great lyric, praise God. JBU
Junaedi Widjojo mengatakan…
Wah blognya bagus ya.. thanks liriknya
Anonim mengatakan…
thankyu ya lovely Esther bwt liriknya.. God bless you abundantly....
Samuel Hermawan mengatakan…
Thanks buat sharenya. Pujian ini begitu memberkati hidup saya
Unknown mengatakan…
Mantap nih lagu..

Ada yang bisa kasih link downloadnya gak?
nyari-nyari dari kemarin tapi gak ketemu.

Tuhan Yesus memberkati.
Unknown mengatakan…
Koreksi dikit ya, bagian reff bukan previous saviour tapi PRECIOUS saviour. Beda tulisan beda arti sis.. Gbu
Estherina Octavia mengatakan…
Wah terimakasih respon nya :D sudah diganti yaaa ^^ Gbu
David mengatakan…
Thanks for sharing the lyric.